gaim était un client de messagerie instantanée qui gère le protocole jabber.
Maintenant, il s'appelle pidgin.
Il y a aussi moyen de se connecter sur IRC:
Tools –> Accounts –> Add –> (protocol IRC, compléter) –> Save
Pour se connecter:
Buddies –> Join a chat –> (choisir le compte IRC créé, compléter channel: “#nom_channel”) –> Join
Google Talk
- add an account, select “Jabber” as the protocol
- your screen name is everything before the ''
- server is ''
- click “show more options” and make sure “use TLS if available” is checked. Leave “Force old SSL” and “allow plaintext…” unchecked for now. Connection port should be 5222, connection server should be '' without the quotes
- Ta-da! Just login and you should be good-to-go
Source: I'm on Google Talk right now
Il y a aussi une explication sur le site de Google.
gaim.txt · Last modified: 2013/01/30 17:49 by